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Volume ,Issue 2,2010 Table of Contents

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Lake level fluctuations in Qinghai Lake in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since the last interglaciation: a brief review and new data
  LIU Xiang-jun1,2, LAI Zhong-ping1
  2010(2):79-89 [Abstract(2065)]  [View PDF 7.01 M (2362)]
Changes in dissolved ion concentrations of the Min Jiang associated with the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
  WEST A J 1, JIN Zhang-dong2,3, ZHANG Fei2,4
  2010(2):90-99 [Abstract(2271)]  [View PDF 2.28 M (1448)]
Temperature tele-connections reflected in tree rings and ice core from high-latitude regions between North and South hemispheres
  LIU Yu1,2
  2010(2):100-104 [Abstract(2243)]  [View PDF 1.73 M (1721)]
Analytical methods for the determination of 129I established at the Xi'an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Center and application of 129I as a tool to trace nuclear environmental safety in China
  CHEN Ning1,2, ZHOU Wei-jian1,2,3, HOU Xiao-lin1,2, ZHANG Lu-yuan1,2, LIU Qi1,2, HE Chao-hui2,3, LUO Mao-yi2,3, FAN Yu-kun1,2,4, WANG Zhi-wen2,3, FU Yun-chong1,2
  2010(2):105-113 [Abstract(2508)]  [View PDF 1.33 M (1853)]
A discussion about the accurate species of the "wild elephants" in the pre-Qin Period of North China
  LI Ji1, HOU Yong-jian1,2
  2010(2):114-121 [Abstract(2134)]  [View PDF 604.75 K (3256)]
Surface texture and mineralogical characters of the peat in Hongyuan Swamp
  YU Xue-feng1,2, LIU Zhao1,2,3
  2010(2):122-125 [Abstract(2051)]  [View PDF 2.67 M (1590)]
Variations and implication of Char-BC and Soot-BC in the surface soil of Loess Plateau, China
  TU Xia-ming1,2, CAO Jun-ji2,1, HAN Yong-ming2, SHEN Zhen-xing1,2, WANG Qi-yuan1, ZHAN Chang-lin2,1
  2010(2):126-132 [Abstract(2613)]  [View PDF 682.54 K (1701)]
A bio-stratigraphy evidence of summer monsoon drift on a large scale toward NW China during the Holocene Megathermal
  LI Bao-sheng1,2, HOFMANN Jürgen3, CHEN De-niu4, WEN Xiao-hao1, YAN Man-cun5, ZHANG David Dian6, NIU Dong-feng1, LI Zhi-wen7, QIU Shi-fan8, WANG Feng-nian1, DU Shu-huan1
  2010(2):133-138 [Abstract(2775)]  [View PDF 3.39 M (2245)]
The environmental implications of street dust magnetic properties
  QIANG Xiao-ke1, LI Peng1,2,3, XU Xin-wen1,2, LI Xu-bin1,2, SUN Yu-fang1,2, ZHAO Hui1,2
  2010(2):139-149 [Abstract(3100)]  [View PDF 5.99 M (1678)]
The vernal distribution of dissolved carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the Xin′anjiang reservoir
  YAO Chen-chen1, WANG Fu-shun1, WU Yi-ying1, XU Hai2
  2010(2):150-156 [Abstract(2004)]  [View PDF 678.39 K (2119)]