摘要: |
过去2 ka温度变化是全球气候变化研究的重要内容之一。研究这一时段的温度变化过程与机制,不仅可为当今全球变暖提供长期变化的自然背景,也有助于揭示气候变暖机制并预估未来气候变化趋势。过去30多年,在PAGES(过去全球变化研究计划)的引领下,针对过去2 ka全球不同区域温度变化历史已做了大量研究工作。最近,在穿越地球时空研究计划(CRESTS)的支持下,对已发表的过去2 ka全球温度序列进行系统整理(数据集存储格式为.xlsx),并从时间跨度、数据分辨率及载体分级等方面对整理的数据库进行简要介绍。另外,还对给出定量温度重建的多指标记录和基于生物标志物支链GDGTs的温度定量重建记录分别进行了初步集成,以期为过去2 ka全球温度变化研究后续相关工作的开展提供基础数据。 |
关键词: 过去2 ka 温度 数据集 GDGTs |
DOI:10.7515/JEE243004 |
CSTR:32259.14.JEE243004 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(42122021);崂山实验室科技创新项目(LSKJ202203300);中国科学院青年创新促进会会员项目(2019403) |
英文基金项目:National Natural Science Foundation of China (42122021); Science and Technology Innovation Project of Laoshan Laboratory (LSKJ202203300); Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2019403) |
A global database of temperature reconstructions for the past 2 ka |
CAI Zeyuan, WANG Huanye *
State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710061, China
Abstract: |
Temperature variation during the Common Era has been a major focus of past global change studies. Investigating the historical evolution of temperature and its underlying mechanisms not only provides a natural background for current climate warming but also helps reveal the mechanisms of current climate change and predict future trends. Led by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project, the temperature variation histories have been extensively studied in different regions worldwide over the past three decades. In recent years, with support from the CRESTS project, we have systematically collected temperature-related proxy records for the past two millennia, partly on the basis of version 2.0.0 of the PAGES2k proxy temperature database. Our new database is in “.xlsx” format. This report briefly introduces the database in terms of time span, data resolution, and archive types. Additionally, we also developed preliminary composite curves for multi-proxy records with quantitative temperature reconstructions (global and China) and brGDGT-based temperature reconstruction records. This study provides basic data for future research on global and regional temperature variability during the Common Era. |
Key words: past 2 ka temperature database GDGTs |