引用本文: | 王乐,田绒,吴小辉,李浩然,蓝江湖.2024.过去2 ka全球季风区降水数据报告[J].地球环境学报,(6):902-912 |
| WANG Le,TIAN Rong,WU Xiaohui,LI Haoran,LAN Jianghu.2024.A precipitation data report of global monsoon region in the past 2 ka[J].Journal of Earth Environment,(6):902-912 |
摘要: |
近年来,全球2 ka温度数据库的建立和完善以及温度变化的集成工作已取得显著成效,但与2 ka温度工作相比,全球降水数据库和降水变化集成工作明显滞后,尤其是人口数量和经济体庞大的季风区。过去2 ka全球不同季风区降水变化的研究大多通过单一点位进行,缺乏多点位的系统研究,同时不同季风区降水变化的时空差异也缺乏研究。为全面梳理全球季风气候变化,报告收集汇编了420条过去2 ka全球季风区地质载体(石笋、树轮、冰芯、湖泊沉积、海洋沉积、泥炭、黄土和历史文献等)记录的季风强度、降水、湿度、水位、冷暖-干湿气候模态和气旋活动等数据资料,建立了过去2 ka全球季风区降水数据集(数据集存储为.xlsx格式)。目前,报告仅报道当前数据收集情况,主要包括不同季风区不同地质载体收集的基本情况,地质载体的空间分布,数据收集的标准,数据质量分级原则和分级结果,数据分辨率情况等。未来将以该数据集的数据为基础,进一步采用综合集成和数据同化等多种方法,重建过去2 ka全球不同季风区的降水演化序列;结合数值模拟探讨不同季风区以及季风区内部过去2 ka降水变化的时空特征及其驱动机制。 |
关键词: 全球季风区 降水 数据集 2 ka |
DOI:10.7515/JEE243005 |
CSTR:32259.14.JEE243005 |
分类号: |
基金项目:崂山实验室科技创新项目(LSKJ202203300);中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB40010300);陕西省杰出青年基金项目(2024JC-JCQN-36);中国科学院青年创新促进会会员项目(2021411) |
英文基金项目:Science and Technology Innovation Project of Laoshan Laboratory (LSKJ202203300); Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB40010300); Shaanxi Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2024JC-JCQN-36); Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2021411) |
A precipitation data report of global monsoon region in the past 2 ka |
WANG Le1, TIAN Rong1, WU Xiaohui1, 2, LI Haoran3, 1, LAN Jianghu1, 4*
1. State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710061, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China 4. Laoshan Laboratory, Qingdao 266237, China
Abstract: |
In recent years, the 2 ka temperature datasets have been well reconstructed and refined and its global synthesis has also been obtained. However, most previous studies on precipitation changes over the past 2 ka were based on a point and thus there was a lack of globally systematic studies; meanwhile, the spatiotemporal differences of precipitation changes were also not fully understood in different monsoon regions. Thus, the 2 ka precipitation database and its global synthesis are not well constrained in the populated monsoonal region, highlighting a fundamental gap in our understanding of global monsoonal climate. In this database, we compiled 420 precipitation records (based on stalagmite, tree ring, ice core, lake sediment, marine sediment, peat, and loess as well as historical document) from the global monsoon regions, which clearly indicate the monsoon intensity, precipitation, humidity, water level, dry/wet climate pattern and cyclone activity and then a global monsoon precipitation dataset over the past 2 ka was well established (the dataset is stored in .xlsx). Here we only reported the basic information in this dataset, in which include the archive types in all monsoon regions, the spatial distribution of archive types, standards and principles of data collection and classification, and the data time resolution. In the future, we will use the synthesis and assimilation approaches to reconstruct the precipitation changes in different monsoon regions over the past 2 ka and to discuss its spatiotemporal variations and forcing mechanisms. |
Key words: global monsoon region precipitation dataset 2 ka |